Commander series of fast crew transfer vessels delivers greater access to offshore installations while increasing productivity of the operations and maintenance teams and maximizing operational availability.
Commander series is a highly-sophisticated class of fast crew transfer vessels specifically-designed for the medium to long-range transportation of personnel to offshore wind farms. Commander craft are designed to operate at almost twice the speed and wave height of other equivalent vessels on the market.
Like all WAVECRAFT ™ series, these high-speed vessels are based on proven surface-effect ship (SES) and air-cushion catamaran technologies using an advanced ride control system (RCS). This offers excellent seakeeping and passenger comfort. Commander craft are also fitted with a unique boarding control system (BCS ™), which significantly reduces heave and pitch motions, enabling safely and simply access a turbine in sea states of up to 2,5m Hs.
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Operating range of WAVECRAFT ™ vessels exceeds industry norm.