Legal information
Umoe Mandal AS is registered at Gismerøyveien 205, N-4515 Mandal, Norway with organization number 947419501.
While the information provided on this website and Umoe Mandal AS social media channels is provided of good will, it is not intended to serve as warranty or contractual commitment or otherwise binding Umoe Mandal AS or any of its associated companies or subsidiaries. Umoe Mandal is not legally responsible for any oversights or omissions in the information presented at this website, or any loss or damage that may be caused by use of this information by the websites’ visitors. Umoe Mandal AS reserves the right to update, change, or withdraw information available on this website or social media channels at any time and without notice.
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The content of this website is protected by copyright © Umoe Mandal AS 2017. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. Content of this website may not be reproduced in part or in its entirety without granted written permission from Umoe Mandal AS.
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